Friday, August 24, 2007

Block Head

Since I've been a lot more mobile lately, I've also been more prone to falling. Let's see, I was crawling over Scooter today and hit my noggin on my plastic toybox. I got a nice imprint of the handle on my forehead. Then...I was hitting some blocks together and fell forward (very odd for me to do) without bracing myself. What did I fall into? Another pile of blocks...and I got a nice little imprint of a block on my face. A little square imprint. Now I know what you're thinking. Was there a nice letter in the middle of my face from the block? The answer is 'no'. But if there had been, it'd be cool to have a "t" on one cheek and a "j" on the other. I'll have to remember that for the next time. My Mommy and Daddy think it's funny that I don't cry when I fall down or bump myself, usually. But they're starting to wonder...

I am giving my mom and dad a run for their money with naptime and bedtime now. Since I can pull myself up to my knees or my feet in my crib, I just hang onto the bars for dear life and scream bloody murder. Yep. They let me go for awhile, and then lay me down. I get right up and do it again. This happens a few dozen times and Mommy usually gives in before I do. Today, Mommy won the power struggle. Sort of. I fell asleep AGAINST the bars while crying. Mommy nearly woke me up laughing ... she called for Daddy to see it too. They took pictures. I would wake myself up by falling backward, then I'd catch myself (half asleep) and bang my head right back into the crib bars again. Now that I'm writing all this, I sure hit my head a lot. Hope that's okay...

G'nite friends! tj


Grammie August 24, 2007 at 9:59 PM  

You are SOOOOO cute!!

love, Grammie

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