Monday, August 13, 2007

Zach Morris is so cool!

What a big boy I am! Wanna know what I did? I pulled myself up to a standing position on the steps while Mommy and Daddy watched both proud and horrified. : ) I know they thought I was adorable and it was amazing to see. I tried to pull my leg/knee up to take the next step when I was whisked away by my parents. Oh well, I'll get to it again soon. They said something about getting a gate today. I'm not sure what that means but I don't think it's good news for my climbing plans. Hmmm.

When I am getting my nite-time bottle in my room, I have a new "thing" that I like to do. I examine my hands very thoroughly. I fan one hand out and use my other hand to play with it and point at it with my other pointer finger. This goes on for 20 minutes before I get bored.

Along those same lines, I have become impossible to change. IMPOSSIBLE! When my Mommy or Daddy lay me down to change me, I twist and turn and squirm until I flip over. Try changin' me like that! I've gotten them very frustrated lately. Daddy has figured me out. The only thing that gets my attention is his cell phone. No other toy or gadget or diaper will do, just Daddy's cell phone.

I got to try ice cream the other day too! I liked it a lot but it was so cold! Wow! I made a face at first and then I wanted more, more, more! I must take after my Mommy and my Great Grandma Nonny and their love of ice cream.

My hair is getting so thick on top and not so much on the sides. I'll be a mop top soon. I have lots of hair, but it's so fine that y0u can't really tell until you play with it or give me a mohawk. My favorite hairstyle, by the way.

Oh, and Daddy took us to a new restaurant yesterday. It's called "Good Old Days" and it has the largest menu in Charlotte. It was literally a book! Well, so many people commented on how good and cute I was in the restaurant. Everyone likes my red hair. Mommy had to take me out while Daddy was paying the bill because I was happily yelling "Dadadaddadaddadadaddadada!" the whole time. I don't know why Mommy gets so excited when I yell that ... I don't know what it means yet but I soon will.

Well, my show is on. Gotta run! Love, Timothy Jonah Budic


Grammie August 14, 2007 at 1:43 PM  

Wow Timothy Jonah! It's kinda scary to see you kneeling under the kitchen chair, ready to take on the world around you. You are such a big boy!!

I can't wait to kiss the back of your little neck. It's just so cute in that same picture.

love, Grammie

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