Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mr. Crabby Pee-Pee Pants

TODAY: Driving home from vacation today was a challenge. I cried a lot of the time...which is odd for me. Well, my Mom and Dad finally stopped so my Mommy could change me in the back seat. When she pulled me out of my seat, she could see that I had peed through all my clothes, and the bottom of the carseat was soaked too. Mmmmm. Not a good thing. So, Daddy and Mommy took off my soaking wet clothes and my diaper. As soon as I had some "air time", I continued where I left off and peed all over my Mom and the dry outfit they had gotten out of the diaper bag for such an occasion. Needless to say, there were a few shrieks (not from me) and a lot of laughter (not from me either). 8,000 baby wipes later, I was sitting in my carseat padded nicely by my blankie, and we were off to drive the rest of the way home.

BEFORE TODAY: One day last week, I was pretty crabby. My Daddy and Mommy tried everything possible to make me happy. Nothing was working. So, my Mom gave me some sweet potatoes mixed with oatmeal. I didn't even feel like eating THAT! (usually, i really like those things) So, she said "okay TJ, let's just play with your food". So, we did! She slopped some glop right down there on my tray and, for a minute, I just stared at it. Slowly, I slipped one hand out from under the tray and examined the mixture very carefully. First, with my pointer finger. Then all my fingers...and then BAM! I slapped it with my whole open palm and it went everywhere! It was so much fun that Mommy just kept putting more and more glop on my tray and I laughed and giggled and got totally into it! That only happened once, and I've been good with my food ever since, but it was an especially fun day after that.

Obviously, bathtime ensued. It became the first day that I discovered my reflection in the water below. Since Mommy hurt her knee, she's been washing me in the kitchen sink. I kind of lean back on her while I have my bath-a. But I've been venturing out by looking down into the water lately, and that day, I put my face so close to the water that I discovered something! When you put your face below the water level (to meet your reflection), water gets in your eyes and goes up your nose! It startled me, and when I looked up, I had a squinty look on my face. The drips were dripping down my face but I didnt cry, I just blinked a lot of blinks. And then did it again. This time, I didn't get water up my nose. It has since become a game. Mommy and Daddy are glad that I'm not afraid of the water. I am too!

Did you see the beach pictures I added to yesterday's blog? Cute, huh! Just making sure you saw them! Love, TJ


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