Scaring Mommy
I forgot to add this to today's blog...
I fell asleep on my tummy twice today! I always roll around when I'm in my crib, but today, I rolled onto my tummy and fell asleep that way! Daddy saw me and went to get Mommy. He said, " When did TJ start sleeping on his tummy? " And Mommy jumped 10 feet in the air and said, " WHAT? " They ran to see me and then flipped me over to sleep on my back.
My mom is afraid to see me sleep that way. The internet and good ol' nurses and docs at every hospital have her scared to death about tummy sleeping. Well, I'll show 'em! It's more fun to sleep on my tummy!
I must admit, when I woke up, I freaked OUT! Instead of talking, singing, or mumbling like usual, I SCREAMED to high heaven. I couldn't figure out what to do. Daddy saved me.
Well, see ya tomorrow! love, the teej-meister
I hope you know how much I LOVE to hear everything about your days. I like hearing about naps and new foods and walks. Pretty soon you will be crawling all over and that will be so much fun to hear about.
So keep writing your blogs. They are great.
love, Grammie
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