I was watching Super Hero Squad the other day which, along with Tom and Jerry, has become my new favorite show. The Hulk was carrying a big green plant and I yelled out, "hey momma, that matches. the green plant and the huge hulk"! I've said some other cool things lately too. Read on:
TJ: Hey Mom, how did the doctors get me
out of your tummy?
Mom: Wow T, thought I had a few more years before you'd ask that question. (avoiding the answer)
TJ: What are you saying to me? I said how did the doctors get out?
Mom: Mmm, lots of medicine.
TJ: Med-cine? But how did I get out?
Mom: Ohhh (sigh), they uh, gosh I don't know how to answer that.
TJ: Maybe your bellybutton?
Mom: Well that's a great idea. Let's ask Daddy.
TJ: Ohhh-kay!
That's a great idea!
Bondi and I were watching a movie last week and a kid fell in a hole on the show. She asked me what I would do if I had fallen in. I said, "I'd use a rope!" (Mommy loved hearing this story) Bondi asked me what would happen if I didn't have a rope. I replied, "All the kids in there, we'd hold hands and climb up." Cool!
When Mommy came home from work, I gave her a hug and told her a little about my day. Then I came back around and said, "It's okay to be nervous!" Mommy looked at Bondi and they both shrugged their shoulders. Wonder where I picked that up!
I was fightin' Bondi on taking a nap one day. Finally I said, "Okay! Fine! I'll take a nap! Fine!" I said it while mimicking Mommy's voice. Oh dear. Now you all know that nearly two months ago when I gave up my nap, Mommy's final words on the subject were, "Okay! Fine! Don't nap." Oops.
Guess who came over to play with me all day Wednesday. Grandma!!!!!!!!!! We did fingerpaints and thumb prints, books and games, and ate heart peeps! I also ate her sandwich. Didn't want my food, but loved hers! When Mommy got home, she hugged us both. After Grandma left, I said, "she's a girl like you're a mommy girl. and daddy's a boy like i'm a boy...a tj boy." I talked a lot about how Grandma loves me and that she's good at reading books. I also wondered where Grandpa was. "Remember those trains? And the broken one? Can we see those trains and the hot rod soon?" Mommy said 'absolutely'!
I'm so lucky to be close to all 4 of my grandparents and all my aunts and uncles. Gosh, I love them!
Hi family -- I LOVE YOU!