Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Time Flies...

I know I already wrote today, but I just can't believe how much I've grown since I started breathing air on my own 6 months ago. Take a look down memory lane. Mommy is sad about this already~
A day old...gee, I kinda look like a doll. Don't I?
A month old or so...in my Gap "prison" outfit.
Not sure what I was crying about here. I was such a baby. Seriously. Wahhh.
And now I'm starting to become a big boy. Well, I have a lot of growin' to do...
Just wanted to say 'hi' again!
love, tj


Grammie May 27, 2007 at 9:16 PM  

Dear little buddy,

I LOVE that last picture of you....with the tears running down your face and onto your chin. But you are still smiling!!!

You are the best little buddy!

love, Grammie

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