My Grandma and Grandpa B and Auntie Melissa came to visit our house this weekend! It was a fun time and I was pretty crabby for awhile. But I got over it most days and played with them a lot. We went for walks in the 90 degree heat, wore out Scooter so he was actually
good at home, and had a fun cookout too! I have a new ceiling fan in my room thanks to Daddy and Grandpa. I love to stare at it and it keeps me nice and cool.

I can make a new noise, everybody! I rattle my tongue against the top of my mouth and make a "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" noise. There is really no other way to explain it. Actually, there probably is but I just can't figure out how to explain it. It's so cute though and I do it all day long.

You know how Indiana Jones was named after his dog? Well, my Auntie Melissa gave me a new nickname after the red soil of North Carolina. She now calls me "Soilhead" because my hair is exactly the color of the soil in my backyard. My Mommy giggles just thinking about it.
They are on their way home now and we are sad. But, it won't be long before I see them again. Maybe they will come back for my Grandma's birthday!?!? Mommy and I went to the track to watch Daddy do a steeple workout today. It was so hot and I was very good with Mommy...she walked me around the track with my hat on and an umbrella. Ella. Ella. (That's for Uncle Bill.)
I get to look forward to the park tomorrow with new friends, Auntie Melissa and Uncle Bill in a week, the beach after that, and Grammie and Poppy (or whatever I name everyone) in July. This summer is going to go so fast!!!
love, tj
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